Month: July 2018

Jellof Rice

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Hello, muses. Thanks for hanging in there. So I have been away because I am working on 2 children’s storybooks due for publishing this year. Y’all know children are the future, right? Great! Now you see why I made them a priority. To feed the adults however, I will put up every week, a story from a collection I did for TNC. They have an app that publishes stories in conversation blocks. These are the ones I reserved for my people (don’t say I never do anything for you. Lol). Please read, comment and share.


Dr. N.


Ben: Hi

Good afternoon.


Tamara: Hi.

I’m not sure who this is…

Ben: My name is Ben

We met yesterday at Ini’s wedding.

Tamara: Ini’s wedding?

Ben: I am the guy you shunned.

Tamara: Shunned?


Ben: Yeah…

I came to your table to say hi to Obot and then turned to chat with you.

You gave me the cold shoulder.

Tamara: I honestly can’t remember.

Ben: As a fine geh na!

I can’t imagine how many guys must have tried to chat you up.

Tamara: Who gave you my number?

Ben: If I tell you I’ld have to kill you.

Tamara: I’ll have to end this conversation.

Ben: No please.

I apologize

Please give me a minute

You see…

You misunderstood my intent yesterday

Tamara: Uhuh…

You don’t intend to promise me the world and lose interest once I let down my guard?

Ben: My goodness no…

Tamara: You don’t intend to fill my head with nonsense…

Ben: Hang on. This is going wrong.

Tamara: ***

Ben: I heard you are new in the area.

I just wanted to invite you to my church.

My pastor said anybody who brings a soul to church will get a plate of jellof rice and chicken after service.

You know what that means to a bachelor.


Tamara: What!

Ben: And you rebuffed me…

I had to watch others eating their rice with gusto.

You needed to see me salivating.

Tamara: Lol

You must be funny.

Ben: My friend Tolu actually brought two people from work.

He got two plates of rice and instead of sharing he packaged the 2nd one for his dinner.

Can you believe what he said; “A laborer is worthy of his wages!”

Tamara: ROTFL

Ben: So what are you doing next Sunday?

Tamara: Bros…

Are you too broke to buy yourself food?

Ben: You don’t understand.

That rice is anointed.

I can cook but that jellof is on another level.

You need to taste it.

You will don that green apron a certain church (which shall remain unnamed) wears for evangelism.

Tamara: lol

Ben: So what’s it gonna be?

Tamara: ***

Ben: Please

You’ll have a great time.

The music, the message and fellowship are awesome.

The rice is just jara.

Tamara: Hmmm…Do I get a plate as well?

Ben: What are you talking about?

You get the lion share!

Tamara: Okay!

Text me the directions.

I’ll be there.

Ben: Yay!

Thanks a bunch.

You rock!

Tamara: What’s the name of the church?

Ben: It’s called Ben-saw-Tamara-at-a-wedding-and-will-do-anything-to-get-her-to-go-on-a-date Christian Assembly.

Tamara: What!

No way!


Ben: Don’t bail on me. I hear your word is your bond.

Tamara: ***

Ben: We good?

Tamara: Well-played man…well-played!


Ben: Please…I promise to be good.

Tamara: We’re good Ben. Lol. See you on Sunday.


The End

